The company
About Trithornbulk
Primarily active in the handy-supra segments, performing on average 300-350 voyages each year.
We add value for all parties involved, consistently providing an excellent service. We are a privately held company, which brings about a high level of flexibility and readiness, as well as financial and operational strength – enabling us to deliver on this promise.
We have many years of experience from the dry bulk market and thus a strong international network with close and enduring partnerships. We possess a deep know-how and strive to maintain a strong competitive edge.
Our passion is shipping, trading and, ultimately, satisfying our clients – we go to great lengths to achieve this goal. We define ‘risk’ everyday, in every decision, never taking a position we cannot back.
We have commercial offices in five key areas, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, U.S and Chile and are thereby close to clients and business partners.
Social media
By joining us on our different channels you will be updated on our daily activities wolrdwide. We share our insights, latest stories, our various projects and in general the many news across our company and from the world of shipping.
Find us by searching TRITHORN BULK.

Who are us
Behind Trithornbulk
TRITHORN BULK is established by the three Managing Directors; René Mikkelsen, Marc Slinger and Uffe Hansen.
Both René, Marc and Uffe have a long history of working together and, moreover, share a strong bond brought about their shared past and upbringing in Northern Jutland – the most northern part of Denmark which is surrounded by the sea and especially known for its beautiful and characteristic nature.
The North Jutlandic values of being down to earth, straight forward, resolute and keeping ones promise are deeply embedded in all of them. These values permeate down through the organization and are an inherent part of how we do business in TRITHORN BULK.
Instagram feed
News room
Moving to Copenhagen
Feb 1st 2021 Trithorn Bulk A/S has moved to its new office in Copenhagen. New address: TRITHORN BULK A/S, Nyhavn 47, DK-1051 Copenhagen, Denmark
An investor backed management buyout (MBO) has been announced by Danish dry bulk operator Trithorn Bulk A/S.
Trithorn Bulk A/S, part of the Danish Thornico conglomerate of companies, has been acquired by the existing management team and two new investors. The company was founded in 2016 by Thornico and the three Managing Directors Rene Mikkelsen, Uffe Hansen and Marc...
Where are we
We have offices Denmark, Norway, Greece, Switzerland, U.S and Chile